Church Health. Revitalization. Gospel Missions.
Mike Palmer Ministries is the ministry of Michael and Hazel Palmer and all their partners who support their ministry. I (Michael) have given most of my adult life forty years, in pastoral ministry in a local church. I believe in the church and its gospel mission. I have also been heavily involved in international missions since my first trip to Romania in 1995.
Romania, Morocco, Uganda, Italy, Cuba, the Cheque Republic, and Spain are some of the places I have been on international mission trips. Rapid City SD, Charlottesville VA, and Cherokee NC are some of the places I have been on North American Mission trips and ministry. I have been trained in Church Health Assessment and Revitalization and Transitional Pastoring. Hazel and I desire to invest in churches and pastors to help them return to gospel centered health and joy in accomplishing God's mission.